PERFORMING: 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1


Goals #2:

  • The primary central focus is to introduce students to musical elements: melody (do pentatonic) and rhythm. (Pr: 4.2)
    • Students will be able to notate notes, C, D, E, G, and A on the staff and identify stanza and ABA form. (Bobby McFerrin: Don't Worry, Be Happy)
    • Students will be able to identify half, dotted half, dotted quarter, & 16th notes, simple triple meter. (Bobby McFerrin: Don't Worry, Be Happy; Doraji; Waiākea Haumāna; Music Alone Shall Live (easy)/The Orchestra (difficult)) 
    • Students will be able to demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest, knowledge, and context, as well as their personal and others’ technical skill. (Pr4.1)
    • Students will respond to major and minor scales. (Re: 7.1) (Mary had a little lamb, Jazz style, fast and slow tempi)
  • The secondary central focus is to expose students to harmony and scales. Students will recognize and perform how harmony is formed by singers singing two different melodies simultaneously. (Do Re Mi, Doraji) (Pr5.1) 
    • Students will compare and provide feedback to evaluate the accuracy and expressiveness of Korean choral ensemble and personal performances. (Pr 5.1)
    • Students will perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and appropriate interpretation. (Pr. 6.1)
    • Students will demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the (Korean) context, venue, genre, and style. (Pr. 6.1)
  • The third central focus is to explore symphony orchestra; this includes the seating, instruments, and tuning. 

Musical Elements:

  • Melody
  • Rhythm
  • Style (Listening)
  • Tonalities 
  • Form (Listening)
  • Tone colors (Orchestra)


In the previous class, we learned about Do-Tetratonic scale. This week, we will learn about Do-Pentatonic. Penta means five, so, there are five notes: C (do), D (re), E (mi), G (so), A (la). High C (high do) is the "cousin" of middle C (do), so this is not a different note.

  • Watch this video:


  • How do you feel after watching this video? Do you think we are going to be okay?
  • Note that the introduction of this piece, it is made of C pentatonic, with a blue note (Eb). We are not totally okay now, but we are hopeful. 
  • Can you sing the introduction in solfege and hand signs?
  • This song is sung with the same melody but with different lyrics. This is called a strophic form. See below. 

The singer who made this song famous is Bobby McFerrin. Here is a video that Mr. McFerrin "demonstrated the power of the pentatonic scale." Please sing with the audiences. While the audiences were singing, Mr. McFerrin improvised with a different melody. 


Now, the pianist will play Mary had a little lamb differently (minor). Try to identify the four phrases in this song by showing your fingers.  

What do you think? How do you feel when you hear this version?

*Teacher explains to students what a minor scale is (thru listening).

Style & Tonalities

Now, we are going to play two versions of Jazz style Mary Had a Little Lamb; one faster, one slower.

  • How do you feel after listening to these two versions?
  • Did the scale (major and minor) make you happy, or the tempo (speed of the piece)?
  • In many cultures, playing or singing in minor scales can be happy. We do not really want to generalize how people feel by the tonalities/scales of the piece). 


Students will be able to identify half, dotted half, & 16th notes, simple triple meter. (Bobby McFerrin: Don't Worry, Be Happy; Doraji; Waiākea Haumāna; Music Alone Shall Live (easy)/The Orchestra (difficult)) 

Dalcroze 16th note Cup Game

RHYTHM, 3/4 meter

DORAJI - half, dotted half, simple triple meter


Simple version: American arrangement


Adobe Acrobat Document 87.6 KB
Semachi rhythm for Arirang and Doraji.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 49.4 KB

Arrangement from Korean musician
Doraji Choral Octavo.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 8.6 MB

3/4 meter, Music Alone Shall Live

For students who didn't have music at the elementary level and do not know F key, this pieces needs to be written in stick notations. 

16th notes

Waiākea Haumāna


  • The secondary central focus is to expose students to harmony and scales. Students will recognize and perform how harmony is formed by singers singing two different melodies simultaneously. (Do Re Mi, Doraji)
  • Guiding the students to sing the harmony. 

Symphony orchestra seating, instruments, and tuning.

Questions? Post it below:

Comments: 4
  • #4

    Loong (Monday, 23 August 2021 03:10)

    Janice, we will do the cosmetic stuff once I hear from the H.O.P.E. about the template. The critical part now is to make sure the content is okay.

  • #3

    Janice (Friday, 20 August 2021 15:10)

    Under Rhythm 3/4 and Sixteenth notes, can we move it so the the two pictures/videos are in line with each other?

  • #2

    Lauren (Wednesday, 11 August 2021 02:44)

    - Under Second, maybe label Doraji section with the rhythmic focus - i.e. triple meter or dotted quarter, like how you labeled the section below it (3/4 meter, Music Alone Shall live).

  • #1

    CY (Wednesday, 11 August 2021 02:43)

    done, tq